HIV/AIDS remains one of the major threats to humanity even as the world celebrates the tremendous technological achievements of the 20th and 21st centuries. Kenya has been heavily depending on foreign funding on HIV/AIDS for many years thus leading to over 80% dependence on international sources. Donor funding fell by 3% in 2013, this led to a reduced amount to $8.07 billion US dollars from 2012. HSSF was established to mobilize funds domestically in order to directly transfer funds to Health Centers and dispensaries (level 3 and 2 health facilities) to enable them to improve health service delivery to local communities. However, there has been poor management of these funds. The objective of this study was to establish the effect of the Health Sector Service Fund in the control of HIV/AIDS in health facilities in Sabatia Sub-County. This study was guided by the Global Fund New Funding Model 2012 which demonstrates commitment to a country’s ownership. The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey research design and targeted 123 medical staffs/officials and 1374 comprehensive care centre (CCC). The study participants were selected using Simple Random Sampling and 93 staffs plus 10 CCC were selected. Data was collected using questionnaires and Focused Group Discussions. The findings revealed that HSSF fund accounted for 27.6% change in the control of HIV/AIDS and the function of HSSF have a unique significant contribution to HIV/AIDS control (β=.525, p=.000). This implied that Control of HIV/AIDS is positively associated with functions of HSSF funds such that an improvement in the functions of HSSF fund could positively lead to an improvement in the control of HIV/AIDS. The study concluded that HSSF management system is s predictor. HIV/AIDS control hence it was recommended that HSSF fund management system be intensified and improved.
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Copyright (c) 2019 James Sure Nyanchabera, John Gachuki Kariuki, Jackline Nyaberi

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