The study examines those socio-economic determinants of social wellbeing of adolescents in Calabar. The descriptive cross-sectional survey design was adopted in gathering data to determine if socio-environmental factors such as family structure and living condition influence the wellbeing of adolescents. The data was gathered from a sample of 384 from a population of 371,022 from Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria using structured questionnaire. Gathered data was checked for appropriateness and frequency distribution, simple percentages, charts and lineal regression was used to analyses the analyse the variables under study. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results shows that Family structure and Living condition are significant determinants of the social wellbeing of adolescent in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Based on these findings, the study hereby recommends amongst others that strategies are needed by various agencies concerned to put in place proper strategies, plans and policies that will support adolescents from broken homes so that those deleterious outcomes that are obvious in the study area can be reduced drastically.
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