Purpose: To determine welders’ awareness on ocular-related problems and the importance of using safety measures in workplace in Kakamega, Kenya. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design involving 100 welders from Kenya Industrial Estate in Kakamega, was conducted and semi-structured interview schedule was applied on selected participants who gave written consents to participate in a face-to-face interview. Details of the interview varied from nature and duration of engagement in welding activities, through levels of awareness of ocular effects and extent of actual use of eye protections at work. Results: Seventy-five percent of welders had form of injuries related to metallic foreign bodies due to welding activities. Religion was the most influential factor (61%). Majority of welders had better understand of risk related to compliance to Personal protective Eye equipment (PPEE), with male (65) and female (1) being aware and utilize the PPEE. There was association (X2(1, N = 100) = 48.454, p <0.05) between having and using PPEE There was no association (X2(1, N = 100) = 0.58, p >0.05) between welder’s awareness and use of PPEE. Conclusions: Given the nature of welding activities among low income earners, there is a gap between the knowledge of welders regarding awareness of hazards and PPEE and the actual use of PPEE at work by the same welders.
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