One of abusive acts that occurs frequently nowadays is the sexual abuse. The phenomena of sexual abuse that counts as a dangerous one is incest. Incest is a forbidden sexual relationship between family relatives that does not allow the involved people in it to marry each other. The purpose of this research is to find out the motivational factors of incest and the characteristics of the incest perpetrator. The approach technique used in this research is qualitative approach with interviews and observations to Y respondent and significant others. The criteria of the respondent in this research is a father who has a daughter and if still married with the victim’s mother. The result of this research shows that there is an incest relationship happening in the family. The motivational factors that trigger incest include: inability of the perpetrator to hold his sexual drive, alcohol consumption, the lack of private area in the house, the low rate of social-economy condition, and availability of chances. Characteristics of incest perpetrator in this research are: he uses force and threats, such as manipulative threats, has negative perceptions about women, and is unable to manage a healthy relationship. The incest perpetrator does not feel guilty for what he has done.
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