Police officers can suffer from chronic diseases or common disorders, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. The predominantly sedentary nature of the profession, the rapid transition from waiting situations to activities with a high psychophysical impact, the physical inactivity, the work stress, the consumption of tobacco, the sleep disorders and poor eating habits can have a negative effect on the officer’s health and well-being. This review discussed the intervention strategies and programs adopted to optimize work performance, well-being, and health in the international police force. Training programs for the well-being of police officers can reduce social costs and improve the health status, physical and working efficiency and longevity of the worker. However, administrations should invest in facilities and equipment, and physical-motor education and awareness programs to be performed in the workplace by adopting a cultural change to improve the health and well-being of their workers. For this purpose, the various professional figures become of fundamental importance, including that of the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Specialists who have the specific skills to develop, implement and support physical-motor education programs to improve the psychophysical well-being and health of police officers becomes of fundamental importance.
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