The aim of this paper is to illustrate the human health benefits, human comfort properties and ecological influences of natural sustainable textile fibers. Natural sustainable textile fibers are beneficial for human health benefits, human comfort properties and they have significant importance on environment those are deliberated concisely in this paper. The findings of this paper established that sustainable textile fibers are got from natural sources those are ecological, biodegradable, decomposable, cheap and easily obtainable. Natural sustainable fibers are porous in character with the capabilities of permeability and breathability those provide comfort properties to the wearer. Synthetic fibers do not have such capabilities of permeability and breathability to provide comfort properties to the wearer. Synthetic fibers trap air and generate heat to the body, which produce sweat and discomfort. Natural sustainable fibers have absorbency, breathability, permeability and moisture wicking capabilities with the ventilation process of air through their porous structure. These fibers have anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, which defend personnel from allergies. Sustainable fibers are recyclable that's why they can be used repeatedly after end-use but manmade synthetic fibers cannot be used repeatedly, even they are not decomposable to soil. The cultivation of natural sustainable fibers such as cotton, jute, hemp, ramie, silk, bamboo, banana, wood, sisal, coir etc. is a direct source of oxygen production and they absorb carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide from surroundings. These fibers directly contribute to the betterment of the environment without releasing toxic chemicals, liquids, gases and byproducts to the environment. Carbon dioxide gas, carbon-mono-oxide gas and non-decomposable byproducts are produced while manufacturing manmade plastic fibers. These dangerous gases are the causes of global warming and it influences greenhouse effect. By farming sustainable fibers, by applying them and by avoiding plastic materials from our everyday life we certainly can improve the environment.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Shariful Islam, Forida Parvin, Zakia Urmy, Shaharia Ahmed, Md Arifuzzaman, Jarin Yasmin, Faridul Islam

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