The aim of study was to investigate the effects of a coordinative abilities training program on the visuospatial, attentive and mnemonic skills. Sixty healthy students (14-15 years) were assigned to experimental group (n=30; 15M, 15F) that performed a coordinative training program, or control group (n=30; 15M, 15F) that received a training program designed to improve psycho-physical wellness. At baseline and after 12 weeks, two motor ability tests and a cognitive skills test were administered. After intervention, significant improvements in the Throwing and Catching test (p < 0.001, d = 0.83) and Corsi's block-tapping test (p < 0.001, d = 1.25) were detected only in the experimental group. Findings suggest that a coordinative abilities training program may improve visuospatial, attentive and mnemonic skills in adolescents. Physical education teachers, by a coordinative exercises program, might enhance the academic performances of the students. However, further research is necessary to investigate the effects of physical education interventions on academic achievement.
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