This article deals with causative construction which discusses the Causative marker Peu- and Seu- in Acehnese, the goal of this is to describe several facts dan data of using causative marker peu- dan seu- in Acehnese. The source of the data is a native Acehnese community in several cities in Aceh Province. The data of this study were obtained through field linguistic methods which included direct elicitation, recording, and checking elicitation. Furthermore, the research instrument used in this study is a list of questions, Distributional methods applied in analyzing research data based on the problems discussed in this article. The results of data analysis showed that the causative construction of peu- and seu- are different morphosyntactically, It could be seen from the word category, the causative markers of peu- can be attached to verbs, adjectives, nouns, and numerals, whereas seu- only to be attached to verbs and adjectives. whereas based on semantic parameters the different of meaning occured if peu- dan seu- attached to intransitive verbs of manoe, musom, etc. and the prevalence and unusual/mark-unmark categories found if peu- and seu- attached to several intransitive verbs, while if peu- and seu- attached to adjectives also have different meanings such as attachment to the adjective miyub, malee and matee.
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