One of the skills a student develops in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) is their oral presentation. It is a skill wherein students do a presentation in front of the audience inside the classroom. The study aims to determine the performance level of students on their oral presentation in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) module along the area of content of the oral presentation in terms of introduction and structure, key points and body, conclusion and references and along the area of execution of the oral presentation in terms of speech, personal energy, audience impact and time management. The study used the descriptive research design because it describes the performance level of the students in their oral presentation of the English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) particularly the content and execution which is appropriate in the current investigation. The subjects of the study are the Block 2 and Level 3 students of Gulf College registered in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) for the school year 2019-2020. The study comprised of thirty (30) respondents only. Random sampling is employed in the study as this method investigates the oral presentation of the respondents in their oral presentation on content and execution of the presentation of the study. Results show that the performance level of the students in terms of the content of the presentation is poor in the introductory part, good in presenting the key points and ideas and moderate regarding conclusion and reference. Furthermore, in terms of execution, their speech is poor, time management and impact on the audience is moderate and their personal energy level is good.
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