Linking environmental education to the education of children with and without learning disabilities is also a challenge for education. The purpose of the present study was to explore student knowledge and attitudes in students with and without dyslexia, first and second gymnasium, in relation to environmental issues and sustainability. The research was conducted on an anonymous questionnaire, which was specifically created for the needs of this survey and included multiple-choice questions in relation to attitudes and knowledge of students in Environmental Education. The students who completed the questionnaire were 70, 35 of whom were non-dyslexic and 35 with dyslexia. The research was conducted in four Gymnasiums in the city of Rhodes. The findings show that students with and without learning difficulties have a differentiation, to the extent that the knowledge of students without dyslexia is more than that of students with dyslexia on Environment and Sustainability issues. In contrast, students' attitudes with dyslexia are more "friendly" to the environment and sustainability.
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