In the core of teaching the four macro skills of a language, vocabulary is considered to be the panacea to achieve absolute mastery of the target language. It is considered to be the crucial rudiment towards learning a foreign language and if not mastered in the apt way may lead to a serious impediment on a learner. Therefore, in order to avoid this from happening songs could be considered as a solution to assist the learners’ from having low mastery of English vocabulary. In the day to day communication hearing the songs could be considered as a solution to increase the tendency of awareness in recognising English vocabulary. Hence, this proposed study has intended to examine the use of English songs on learners’ vocabulary mastery skills, which was conducted through an experimental design. In this research, there was one class each that were chosen as research samples. The first one was considered as an experimental group, while later was the control. Each class had thirty students as respondents. Also, there were two variables that consisted of English songs and learners’ vocabulary mastery skills. The sample was randomised and was determined based on independent measures, which was conducted in an intermediate class level at a primary school in Wudaokou district, Beijing, China.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejals.v3i1.198
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