The theorization of impersonal constructions (CI) is not new in linguistics. A rather vast theme for the diversity of the fundamental problems of general linguistics to which it relates (Berrendonner & Sériot, 2000: 1-ss), the problematic of CIs seems poorly delimited, covering heterogeneous phenomena (Béguelin (2000), Gaatone (1991). In African linguistics, this question has so far been of little concern to description, especially that of West African languages. Exceptionally, Bassene & Creissels (2011) recognize the primacy of an interest in IC in an Atlantic language, the Joola-banjal in particular. The present study uses field data to analyze, in a descriptive approach, the ICs in Kabiyè, a language of the eastern gurunsi of Togo. The result is that impersonality is rendered in Kabiyè by the pronouns pɩ- and pa-. Exophoric, these pronouns are characterized by their low degree of agentivity and liveliness. Syntactically, they appear only as subject arguments and may in case of a double occurrence show co-referencing or disjunction depending on the discourse context.
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