Hariyani Madon, Intan Liyana Mohd Fadzil, Noor Hanim Rahmat


This paper discusses the use of rhetorical elements in a newspaper article published by Bloomberg, entitled Three Hours Longer, the Pandemic Workday Has Obliterated Work-Life Balance. Four keywords (‘rhetorical analysis’, ‘news article’, ‘work from home’, ‘COVID-19’) were used to identify the rhetorical elements in the news article. This is a mixed method analysis where the data is qualitative, but the analysis is done both quantitatively and qualitatively. The newspaper articles were analysed by using the Ethos, Logos and Pathos rhetorical structure. Firstly, Ethos, Logos and Pathos was clearly defined. Secondly, these elements were broken into subcategories of their own. What makes up Ethos is its credibility, expectations and reference. Logos has three sub categories which are clarity, conciseness, and arrangement. Lastly, Pathos is made up of tone, emphasis and engagement. Implications that were faced when analysing this document was that there were negative perceptions from employees in interviews conducted on the subject of working from home. Therefore, readers will interpret and view working from home gives more issues and challenges rather than benefits.

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rhetorical analysis, news article, work from home, COVID-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejals.v3i2.239


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