Yasin Murat Demir


Along with the breadth of the geography where it is spoken, Arabic has the feature of being a language belonging to different civilizations and cultures. The wide geographical distribution of Arabic has paved the way for the emergence of many different dialects. With the birth of Islam, changes occurred in the structure of Arabic, and thus new concepts were formed in the language. Some words used in the period of ignorance left their place for new words. Arabic, which was unique to the Arabian Peninsula before Islam, was transferred to distant lands and countries where different languages are spoken. As a result of this, depending on the sciences and arts that emerged within the Islamic civilization, Arabic has continued its development in the process that continues until today. As a result of the wide interaction of the Arab society with the spread of Islam, ancient Arabic dialects and accents came to light. Among the difficulties encountered in modern Arabic teaching today, the differences in the use of dialect come to the fore. It is known that many words and expressions used in fluent Arabic, especially in the teaching process of Arabic speaking skills, differ in the use of the dialect known as “Ammice”. At the beginning of these dialects is the Syrian Arabic dialect. It is important to learn the dialect that is widely used in the region in order to meet the various communication needs of the Syrian people, especially the social interaction with the Syrian refugees living in our country. In this study, the general characteristics of the Syrian Arabic dialect and its common usage examples in daily life will be given.


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Arabic, Arabic speaking skill, Polish, Syrian dialect

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