This corroborative study is based on research findings by Obeng Gyasi’s (1997) ‘An analysis of the linguistic situation in Ghana,’ and Akpanglo-Nartey & Akpanglo-Nartey’s, ‘Some Endangered Languages of Ghana’ (2012). Three indigenous Ghanaian Languages (Ewutu-Efutu, Ga and Dangme) were studied by Akpanglo-Nartey (2012) and the conclusion was that “a lot of the indigenous languages of Ghana are in danger and could even be lost in the next few generations”. Again, Obeng Gyasi (1997: 78) in his concluding remarks stated that, “in fact, there are quite a number of Ghanaian languages that one can conveniently label as threatened or embattled”. To ascertain the extent of damage done to both Ga and Dangme Languages, the researchers used UNESCO Language Vitality & Endangerment Assessment Tool (2003) to assess the Ga-Dangme Language along two dominant languages used in Ghana; Akan and English Language. Observation was used as a tool to collect data and then analysed qualitatively. The results confirmed that indeed, the Ga-Dangme Language is ‘definitely endangered’ because the language is used mostly by very few speakers, of parental generation up. Finally, the paper suggests ways in which Ga-Dangme could be preserved from further damage or loss. Ultimately, this paper has implications for further research on language extinction.
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