Yuan Jiayin, Wang Feng


Song Ci is a treasure in the history of Chinese classical literature. As one of the representative works of Song Ci by Xin Qiji, a bold and unconstrained poet, Tune: Chou Nu Er Written on the Wall on My Way to Boshan has been favored by many translators at home and abroad, and there are many English versions in existence. The translation theory of "Functional Equivalence" points out that "Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style". Translation contains not only lexical equivalence, but also semantic equivalence, stylistic equivalence, and conveys superficial lexical information and deep cultural information. Poetry stands on the beauty of sound, meaning and form, and also has a great cultural connotation. Therefore, it is necessary to convey the source language information and reproduce the cultural connotation in translation. Based on this, this paper takes two English versions of Tune: Chou Nu Er Written on the Wall on My Way to Boshan as the research object, analyzes the functional equivalence in poetry translation from three aspects: meaning, sound and form, and discusses the guiding significance and rationality of functional equivalence theory in the translation of Song Ci.


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Song Ci; Xin Qiji; functional equivalence

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