Tran Thao Dieu, Vo Le Vy, Bui Nhu Ngoc, Tran Quoc Chi, Tran Ngoc Tran


Speaking and writing are crucial skills that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of foreign language learning. Using synonyms in speaking and writing correctly has always been challenging for learners. This study was conducted with the aim to identify common errors in using synonyms in spoken and written English and providing solutions to solve the problems. The participants in this research were 50 second-year and 50 final-year students from the EFL high-quality program at Can Tho University. Two tools were used to collect data: A multiple-choice test and a questionnaire. With the test, data on the student’s proficiency in synonyms were collected. With the questionnaire, students’ perceptions and attitudes toward synonyms were measured. By using the SPSS program, the responses to the test were analyzed by calculating the frequency and percentage of correct and incorrect answers. The responses to the questionnaire were measured with descriptive analysis of errors and solutions using synonyms. The findings revealed that students often misunderstood the meaning of synonyms and they did not understand all the layers of meaning of a word. This study contributes to the field of linguistics by presenting several possible solutions that can assist students in avoiding the misuse of synonyms in spoken and written English.


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difficulties, using synonyms, solutions, synonyms

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