Franzine Leighan V. Chee, Alexis Joyce S. Cruz, Joanna Marie R. Lorenzo, Bethel Grace C. Nicodemus, Florentino G. Pineda, Jr.


Learning English for different purposes, especially in the workplace has drastically changed. English increases the chances of getting a good job in any local or multinational company. It is also the language of communication, it is used in the media and the internet community, so learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work. It is essential for individuals and future professionals to have profound knowledge and understanding of the English language that is used in any respective field. The study was conducted to weigh up the English language proficiency skills of a selected private school in the City of Malolos, particularly the grade ten (10) students who implement the English Only Policy and another secondary government school in the same city of Bulacan who do not implement the English Only Policy. The impact and factors of the English-Only Policy on students were measured and identified. The researcher utilized an English proficiency test from Cambridge University as the research instrument, which was given to the 80 respondents. The study is comparative that utilized an independent t-test in analyzing the data gathered. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the English language proficiency skills of the students who come from schools that have an English-only policy and those students who come from a school that does not implement the said policy. The research recommends that the students be more engaged and motivated to increase their English language proficiency skills. The teachers should also motivate their students to not only use the English language but also encourage them to use their L1.


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speaking English policy; English language proficiency; ESL

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejals.v6i1.424


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