G. Menaka


This paper aims attempt the development of speaking skills in through technology in first year Engineering students. Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with knowledge, attitudes, behaviors’ and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school and wider community. Speaking is described in applied linguistics. It covers linguistic description of spoken language, speaking as interaction, and speaking as a social and situation-based activity. In fact, speaking is an integral part of one’s life. When people hear someone speak, they pay attention to what the speaker sounds like almost automatically. On the basis of what they hear, they make some tentative and possibly subconscious judgements about the speaker’s personality, attitudes, and so on. By using speed and pausing, and variations in pitch, volume and information, they also create a texture for their talk that supports and enhances what they are saying.


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foreign language, teaching methods, second language learners, language games

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