Brandon N. Obenza, Louie Jay R. Caloc, Danilo G. Baradillo


This political discourse analysis aims to unveil the speech acts and FTAs employed by Philippine politicians, their contributions to the persuasive power of political discourse, and their pragmatic implicatures on the People’s Initiative. This study utilized a qualitative research design using forensic linguistics through political discourse analysis, with corpus linguistics of 16 political speeches chosen through purposive sampling. The findings revealed that 18% of the discourse falls under FTAs, 42% for speech acts, 20% for persuasive power contribution, and 20% for pragmatic implicatures. This purports the complex relationships that exist between language, power, and persuasion in the political context.


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political discourse, political speech, people’s initiative, forensic linguistics, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejals.v7i2.559


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