Truong Hong Vinh, Pham Dinh Quoc, Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang


English vocabulary learning is crucial for effective communication in second language acquisition, yet English major students often find vocabulary memorization to be a tedious and challenging task. This study investigates how English major students at Nam Can Tho University perceive and utilize reading as a method for vocabulary acquisition. The research aims to explore learners' attitudes, beliefs, and experiences regarding the role of reading in expanding their English vocabulary. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study employed a questionnaire survey to gather both qualitative and quantitative data from the participants. The findings reveal a range of perspectives: some students view reading as a primary strategy for vocabulary development, while others advocate for supplementary methods such as explicit vocabulary instruction. These insights underscore the importance of incorporating learners' perspectives into the design of vocabulary learning interventions. By doing so, educators can develop more effective reading-based frameworks that enhance vocabulary acquisition and support students in becoming proficient English professionals.


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English vocabulary learning, reading lessons, perceptions, English major student

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