Mubarak Ali Lashari, Wahid Pervez


The present study focuses on the aspects of modernism found in the novel. The most findable aspects of modernism are individualism, stream of consciousness, exile, and loss of faith. This paper highlights the role of modernism in changing thoughts and ways of living. Furthermore, it describes modernism as the opener of new door for the people determined to get rid out of the boundaries of family, religion and country. Individualism is the centre of modernistic novel around which all aspects revolve. How modern novel gives preference the inner self of an individual to society’s nets and obstacle? This paper discusses in detail the quest of the protagonist of the novel Dedalus who is in search of new ways to see men’s role in the world.


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modernism, individualism, stream of consciousness, exile, and loss of faith

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The Essays of Virginia Woolf, vol III, ed. Andrew Mc. Neillie, London, Hogarth Press, (1986- 1994), p. 435

The Essays of Virginia Woolf, vol III, ed. Andrew Mc. Neillie, London, Hogarth Press, (1986- 1994), p. 435-436

Jose Ortega y Gasset, The Dehumanization of Art and Ideas and the Novel, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948, p. 38

Deborah Parsons, Theorists of the Modernist Novel: James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, Routledge Critical Thinkers, London and New York, 2007, p. 15

Kime Scott Bonnie, The Gender of Modernism, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1990, p. 16

The Essays of Virginia Woolf, vol IV, ed. Andrew Mc. Neillie, London, Hogarth Press, (1986-1994), p. 160


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