Faido Simanjuntak, M. Mulyadi


This research intends to reveal semantic roles of verbs in Toba Batak language. The comprehension method is used in data collection. In doing data research, the method of matching and distribution is used. The distribution method is used with basic techniques like techniques for immediate constituents and advanced techniques like deletion, insertion, inversion, expansion, substitution, and transformation. These roles very much depend on semantic classification of verbs. It is concluded that an action verb has actor roles as agent, and effector and undergoer roles as locative, theme, and patient. A process verb only has a role of undergoer acting as patient. A state verb has an actor role as locative, and undergoer roles as theme and effector. However, a perception verb deliberately has an actor role as agent and the undergoer one as theme.


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semantic role, action verb, process verb, state verb, Toba Batak language

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