Omar Mustafa Abuhumos


This communication attempts to answer the question regarding the origin or the mother of the English as a Germanic language. Many scholars have attempted to find out the answer calling the original language the “Indo- European” language but never substantiated and resolved it. The researcher is proposing new theory claiming the mother language is the Arabic language not accepting the evidences in the form of cognates to be a simple borrowing relationship between Arabic to English or accidental similarities. The researcher provided the following cognate systems to substantiate the theory; a large shared vocabulary, kin words, pronoun systems, body parts, names of animals, linguistic evidence, old property and items, names which do not change over time.


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relationship, borrowing, origin

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Alhashimi, M. (2102). Paradis- Introduction - adventure of Arabic language throughout history - A comprehensive introduction of Arabic influence on English language. Obeikan Press. Alriyad, Saudi Arabia.


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Copyright (c) 2019 Omar Mustafa Abuhumos

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