Justine Bakuuro


This paper attempts a stylistic study of a poem. It targets to unveil the deeper underpinnings of semanticity in condensed literary pieces, particularly in poetry, as a consequence of the style employed by an author. Among other findings, the study uncovered the peculiar use of lexis and the features embedded in such peculiar use. It brings to the fore, the heavy use of deviation and parallelism in drumming home the theme of the poem. And finally, a fundamental literary feature used which is worthy of note and which the study has clearly drawn attention to in the analysis, is the foregrounding of the entire literary piece, which gives it a unique outlook. On the surface, one might not notice the effect of this literary technique but the study has meticulously pointed this out.


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stylistic, poetry, parallelism, foregrounding, literary technique, deviation


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Cummings, E. E. (1964), 73 Poems. London: Faber and Faber.

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Fowler, R. (1971), The Languages of Literature. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

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E. E. Cummings Poetry Foundation:


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Copyright (c) 2018 Justine Bakuuro

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