Critical thinking is considered as part of problem solving. Researchers often see the writing process as a process of solving problem. Writers are expected to apply information they already know to gather materials suitable for their essays. They have to use declarative knowledge to practice the skills of analyzing information, and synthesizing information. Next the writers need to use procedural knowledge to make decisions to download the content of the essay. However, not all materials gathered are suitable for their essay. They also need to use metacognition to evaluate information to make the materials work best for their writing task. This qualitative study explores the connection between critical thinking skills and the writing process. Open-ended responses from 20 post-graduate students who attended research writing course were analysed based on categories of critical thinking skills used in their writing process. Findings reveal interesting implications towards learning and teaching academic writing to postgraduate students. The significance of this study is two-fold. Firstly, findings in this study will reveal how writing mirrors the thinking process. Secondly, the results of this study will encourage writing teachers to focus on the thinking as much as the process in the teaching of writing.
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