Rolina Emmy Manggopa, Selvie Ratna Ivone Mandang


This research is using a quantitative approach with experiment methods called “non-equivalent control group design”. The purpose of this research is to find out how effective is Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) compare to the Convention one, applied in Politeknik Negeri Manado for English Teaching Process. The experiment is applied to 2 groups of students at Semester 2 from Accounting Department; class II C and class II B. The role of each group is different according to that experiment method, one group is for Experiment and the other is for Control. The main sample data of the group goes to the class II C as the Experiment group and TBLT is applied in this class. From the linguistics’ point of view it is shown that during first to third meeting, the experiment group who are working with Task Based achieved higher percentage compare to the Control Group. By assessing those facts, we can prove that TBLT as experiment and methods given to the experiment group is a better treatment to train students to do their activities to develop their abilities in learning English. The speaking abilities are assessed by the topic: “Describing City” to each class and the higher ability of speaking goes to the experiment group. So, we can also conclude that there is differences performance achieved by those two groups: the experiment with TBLT is more creative! in speaking skills compare to the one using conventional approach. The both aspects language skills as learning outcomes are linguistic abilities and speaking skills are shown by the result of posttest, at the end of this research period.


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task based language teaching, effective, performance, learning outcomes


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