The topic of enunciation, already addressed by Kassan (1996) in relation to the verbal system, finds a renewed interest in the present study. The aim was to focus the analysis on the structural types of statements in order to identify their properties. Theoretical grounding ps between Culioli (1978), who conceives the enunciation on the basis of the assignment of the referential value of the predicative relationship, and Cervoni (1992) in the modality subcategorization in assertive, imperative and interrogative statements. Account was also taken of descriptive results of Kassan (1996) and Lébikaza (1999). The analyzed data are collected during various fieldworks in Kara with native speakers of Kabiyè. The study shows that the statement is built around a communication context, the basic element of its semantic interpretation. Beyond that, its structure is diversified. Verbal or non-verbal, the Kabiyè utterance can be reduced to a constituent. On the other hand, whatever its extent, it can admit expansions according to the communication needs of the interlocutors.
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