Nur Azyan Aszeli, Daniel Amer Jamil, Noor Hanim Rahmat


Many different sources and platforms are introduced everyday as information content. News article remains one of the primary forms of textual written sources for the public. Even with the help of metadiscourse in writing, authors still face an issue of misunderstanding and comprehending from their readers. Further analysis is needed to understand the usage of metadiscourse in news article, as it will contribute to comprehending metadiscourse usage. The study aims to analyse metadiscourse on news article about Covid 19 impact on education. The objective of the study is to understand how interactional metadiscourse resources on news articles can be transcribed in terms of hedges and boosters, attitude-markers and engagement-markers, and Personal Markers. The study is conducted using Hyland (2005) metadiscourse strategies. The researchers decided to use interactional metadiscourse markers to analyse the text as interactional provides a clearer understanding. The study found that the attitude marker is the highest content found in the news article, a percentage of 45.45%. The second highest rate of frequency is hedges and boosters throughout the article. Not only that, the study found that the article contains all interactional markers usage in the text. For future researchers, they should focus on an in-depth analysis on the other side of metadiscourse which is interactive discourse markers and how it can be transcribed.

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news article, interactional markers, attitude markers, hedges and boosters

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v4i4.238


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Copyright (c) 2021 Nur Azyan Aszeli, Daniel Amer Jamil, Noor Hanim Rahmat

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