Currently in Tanzania, many parents send their children at very early age to learn English language. There is rapidly increasing of schools that enrolls children for English language learning from informal pre-school to formal school age. Therefore, the study aims at examining reasons for parents to send their children in learning English language school at early age. The study used the documentary review to collect data for the study. Various studies on the theme were consulted by a researcher from different sources. Results showed that majority of the parents sent their children to learn English language at early age for future mobility of their children, competence for higher learning, better child care, avoid congestion experienced in public schools, happiness of the child and for quality education. The study recommends to parents that, they should consider child growth period before the age of school rather than sending the children to school at early age for learning purposes. Children should have enough time for growth, eating cared of their age at home before schooling age.
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