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List of poetry collections:
Aggelopoulos, Christos (2018), Farofylakos elegies [Elegies of a lighthouse keeper], Athens: AΩ.
Andrikopoulou, Niki (2016), O mov anthropos [The purple man], Athens: Gavriilides.
Chatzicharalambous, Efsevia (2018), Viographiko simeioma [Curriculum Vitae], Athens: Thraca.
Chatzopoulos, Thanassis (2012), Prosopo me ti gi [Face on earth], Athens: Gavriilides.
Chloptsioudis, Dimos (2016), Akatallilo [NC-17], Athens: Mandragoras.
Chouliaras, Giorgos (2005), Dromoi tis melanis [Roads of ink], Athens: Nepheli.
Dimitriadou-Efraimidou, Eleni (2014), Doriis ke xylokopoi [Dorians and woodcutters], Athens: Gavriilides.
Dimouli, Aggeliki (2015), Ta eterofota [The hetero-lighted], Athens: Vakxikon.
Filis, Tellos (2018), To eschato erma [The ultimate ballast], Athens: Polis.
Frangos, Giorgos (2018), Floisvos synefon [Roaring of clouds], Athens: Vakxikon.
Ganelis, Giorgos (2017), Ypo to miden [Below zero], Athens: Stochastis.
Kaimaklioti, Aggela (2014, Ek tou syneggys [From up close], Athens: Farfoulas.
Kaitatzi-Choulioumi, Despina (2017), Ligostevoun i lexis [Words grow less], Athens: Melani.
Karakokkinos, Andreas (2017), Lathrepivates se peiratiko [Stowaways on a pirate ship], Thessaloniki: Eneken.
Kolossiatou, Frosoula (2017), Foraei ta matia tou nerou [He wears the eyes of water], Athens: Gavriilides.
Kolossiatou, Frosoula (2014), Skoteini Sygkatoikisi [Dark cohabitation], Athens: Gavriilides.
Konstantopoulou, Niki (2014), Apopse niotho mia dropi [Tonight I feel shame], Athens: Peri technon.
Kopsida-Vrettou, Vivi (2018), Chirapsies mias asimantis meras [Handshakes in a meaningless day], Athens: Vakxikon.
Koutsoumbeli, Chloe (2016), Oi omotrapezoi tis allis gis [The messmates of another land], Athens: Gavriilides.
Koutsoumbeli, Chloe (2009), I alepou kai o Kokkinos horos [The fox and the red dance], Athens: Gavriilides.
Latsari, Maria (2016), En dynamei pragmatikotita [Potential reality], Athens: Mandragoras.
Liatzoura Katerina (2017), Apokaidia ithikis [Cinders of ethics], Athens: Vakxikon.
Lountzis, Alekos (2015), Propaganda, Athens: Gavriilidis.
Mendrinou, Nektaria (2018), Synefa sto nero [Clouds in water], Athens: Melani.
Naoum, Chara (2013), Agrypnes antilopes [Sleepless antilopes], Athens: Mandragoras.
Nikitas, Zafeiris (2015), Ta nera tou metanasti [The immigrant’s waters], Athens: Melani.
Papadopoulos, Michail (2016), Anthro peino [Hunger for man/Humane], Athens: Mandragoras.
Politou, Maria (2018), Epitelous Apovivasi [Debarkation at last], Athens: Koukkida.
Sakalis, Grigoris (2015), Kytio kryfon oneiron [Box of hidden dreams), Athens: Endymion.
Sidira, Aggeliki (2016), Silver alert, Athens: Kedros.
Silfitzoglou, Kyriakos (2014), Me ifos Indianou [In the style of an American Indian], Athens: Melani.
Siotis, Dinos (2004), Den xero, den apanto [I don’t know, I don’t answer], Athens: Kedros.
Skouroliakou, Maria (2015), Chroma avrio [Color tomorrow], Lamia: Lamiakos Typos.
Skouroliakou, Maria (2008), Akathistos logos [Unseated uttering], Lamia: Lamiakos Typos.
Stamboglis, Stavros (2014), Dialektiki vythou [Bottom of sea dialectics], Athens: Mandragoras.
Tetrazis, Fileas (2017), Den ine omos etsi [But it is not so], Athens: Polaris.
Toumanidis, Christos (2014), I elegies tis Anatolis [The elegies of the East], Athens: Koukkida.
Vakirli, Polyxeni (2015), Mikro aloni [Small threshing floor}, Athens: Gavriilides.
Verouchis, Antonis (2015), Ta chronia tis krisis [The years of the crisis], Athens: Vakxikon.
Xirogianni, Asimina (2013), Epochi mou ine i piisi [My time is poetry], Athens: Gavriilides.
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