Nezaket Tekin


This article focuses on the concepts of woman-nature-art, 18.-19. Century has progressed through a structure that extends from women nature artists to today's eco art. First of all, female protagonists in the stories of the writer Andrea Barrett and their historical counterparts, such as Elizabeth Blackwell, were included. Examples of the works of female artists who criticized the male predominance in the art environment of the 1970s were examined. At the same time, it was mentioned that awareness of the environment increased in the 1970s with the influence of scientists, activists and artists. The concept of Ecofeminism, which was first used by Françoise d'Eaubonne in 1974, was defined, and the women and ecology connections of writers such as Vandana Shiva were mentioned. In the last two sections, the works of the women artists selected were examined with the descriptive method. Agnes Varda is discussed in her wheat field project, which she cultivates in the commercial center of New York, as she is the first artist to engage in agriculture as an artistic act and production. Katie Holten has made boulevard trees visible using photographs, drawings, maps, interviews and software. Finally, there is Neri Oxman, who uses nature itself as a design in her projects, which she calls "Material Ecology" combines science, engineering, art and design.

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women in nature art, Andrea Barrett, ecofeminism, eco art, Neri Oxman

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