Since the inception of the new “Bilingual Nation Policy 2030” by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, it has raised debates and concerns among people. Opinions of scholars and laymen on the new bilingual nation policy issues have been published. But so far, no local or international research papers have been published on how the people of Taiwan perceived it. The present quantitative research investigates the perceptions of people on issues such as if the policy is necessary for every Taiwanese, if the policy will neglect the local languages, if the policy can be achieved by 2030, if enough English teaching hours can be added, if enough budget can be invested, if enough trained teachers can be hired, if non-English major teachers can teach both in English and Mandarin medium by 2030, and what challenges the policy might face on its path. For this purpose, the researcher distributed a self-designed questionnaire including seven questions in which, 171 participants took part. Main findings: 55% of participants think the new policy is necessary for everyone, while 14% of them think the policy will neglect the local languages. However, only 11% of participants believe the policy can be achieved by 2030. 22% and 11% of participants respectively think Taiwan government can add enough English teaching hours and invest enough money. While 14% of participants think Taiwan government can hire enough trained teachers, and 77% of them think the policy will face many challenges like insufficient budget, lack of trained teachers and lack of equipment.
自從教育部提出“2030年雙語國家”政策以來,人們對此話題的辯論和關注程度突然升高。針對新的雙語政策,不論來自專家或是民間,各界已經發表了他們對這議題的意見。針對島內民眾對政策的觀感如何,直到目前為止,國內外還沒有學術論文的發表。本文採用量化研究,調查一般民眾對雙語政策的觀感,例如:該政策是否人人都需要它?會不會排擠母語?能不能在2030年達成雙語國家的目標?能不能增加足夠的英語教學時數? 能不能挹注充裕的經費?訓練有素的教師足夠嗎? 不是英語本科的老師們,能不能在2030年之前,同時具備母語與外語的授課能力?在施行的過程當中,可能會發生的什麼問題或挑戰?研究的目的,經由筆者親身設計的問卷,一共七題,由171名受訪者填寫完畢。主要發現如下:(一)有55%的受訪者認人人需要雙語政策,其中也有14%的受訪者也認為它會排擠母語。(二)只有11%受訪者相信該政策可能於2030年達成目標。(三)分別有22%與11%受訪者認為政府可能增加足夠的英語教學時數,與挹注充足的經費。(四)雖然有14%的受訪者認為政府可能聘用足夠的訓練有素的老師們,也有77%的受訪者認為該政策的實施將會面臨預算不足、缺乏培訓的教師,設備不足等諸多挑戰。
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v6i2.363
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