Tieu Minh Duong


An Giang is a border province located at the headwaters of the Mekong River in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. For a long time, the An Giang border has been a significant trade center of the region. Although it is a delta province, the terrain has fields, mountains, and hills, called the Bay Nui region. The people living here have four ethnic communities: Kinh, Chinese, Cham, and Khmer. The main ways of life are farming, animal husbandry, and cross-border trade. Due to the natural and social conditions, the culture and lifestyle of the people in the border area of An Giang both lie in the exact source of Vietnamese culture and the culture of the Southwest region - Mekong Delta - and have unique characteristics, properties, and appearance. The article will focus on explaining the factors that create some specific expressions of the culture and lifestyle of the community in the border area of An Giang.


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lifestyle culture, An Giang people in the border area, cultural space, cultural adaptability

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