M. Amien Syafiqurrakhman, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum


Culture and language cannot be separated because it is believed that learning a language will be more successful when the culture is included. In Indonesia, this area of cultural content issues in English coursebooks can benefit further exploration. Therefore, this study is deemed necessary as it can give insights to society. Specifically, this study aimed to (1) identify and give descriptive knowledge about cultural dimensions and aspects of the pictures in the Bahasa Inggris coursebook and (2) identify the multicultural values of the pictures in the Bahasa Inggris coursebook. The data for the study were taken from pictures in the Bahasa Inggris coursebook, a coursebook for senior high school students in grade XII in Indonesia. The study reveals two findings. Firstly, the total of 102 data showed that the coursebook had been dominated by the perspectives dimension with 90 data frequencies, followed by the products and practices dimension with 88 and 82 frequencies, respectively. Person and community dimensions are exposed less than other dimensions in this book. It makes sense since the curriculum in Indonesia has developed character-building. Secondly, for the multicultural values, it is found that the coursebook lacks multicultural values because, from the 102 data, the most significant frequency of the multicultural values is shown by AOPP twenty-six times only. The pictures were expected to have a large frequency of multicultural values because they could effectively deliver the materials about culture to the students and gain intercultural competence.


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Bahasa Inggris coursebook, culture dimensions and aspects, multicultural values

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v8i2.551


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