Sweetheart B. Diazon, Aaliyah Shane M. Duran, Diana Mae C. Mantes, Ana Mae M. Monteza


The study aims to uncover how language-based discrimination contributes to gender inequality in school context. Using a model of critical discourse analysis, the study examines fourteen students from diverse departments of UMDC on how language patterns reinforce stereotypes and create unequal treatment through textual, processing and social analysis. Researchers observed linguistic patterns that imply the use of a non-inclusive language, which most likely contained phrases, lines, or words that favored one gender over the other. When challenged with the aforementioned gender discrimination through the application of these patterns, a variety of emotional reactions developed. Furthermore, Researchers uncovered gender discrimination at UMDC through the use of language that violated community standards for a number of reasons. There were occasions where language used in an academic setting demonstrated prejudice and biases against persons based on their gender through the use of non-inclusive language. By investigating the impact of language on attitudes, the study assists educators and communities in raising awareness of creating inclusive environments in which gender prejudices are addressed. This study aligns with the 5th SDG, which is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.


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language-based gender discrimination, fostering gender equality, discourse analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejlll.v8i3.571


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Copyright (c) 2025 Sweetheart B. Diazon, Aaliyah Shane M. Duran, Diana Mae C. Mantes, Ana Mae M. Monteza

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