This paper exploits the question of whether the English language has similarities regarding the Macedonian phraseological expressions and their grammatical and semantic structure. Since there is a vast range of phraseological expressions, the scope of this paper is within those expressions that are most commonly used in the newspaper sub-style. This choice has been made because of two reasons. Primarily, in the newspaper sub-style these emotionally colored language elements are constantly used for purpose of evoking certain reaction. Secondly, the Macedonian daily newspapers sometimes include phraseological expressions from the English language. This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of certain Macedonian phraseological expressions (excerpted from several daily newspapers) with their correlates in the English language. The corpus comprises of Macedonian phraseological expressions that do not have a structure of a sentence, but are rather a combination of words that do not include a verb. In addition, their English language equivalents are provided. The paradigm of this research is qualitative, and the design is descriptive. The processing of data and the conclusion making process are done with the use of the following methods: analysis, comparison and synthesis. The research demonstrates that there are many similarities when it comes to phraseological expressions, even though the Macedonian and the English language belong to different subgroups of the Indo-European language family, and their cultures are quite different. The sameness or the similarities are not only evident in the lexical units but also in their grammatical structure, making the expressions completely or partially equivalents.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Violeta Janusheva, Jana Jurukovska, Stela Bosilkovska

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