We live in Post-Truth Era largely with metaphors. Moreover intertextuality became an important component of the artistic creativity. Therefore, being an independent individual and to reach the truth became even more important. In this context, the Killing Commendatore novel of Haruki Murakami (1949) was chosen as an example and the in-between situation of the post-modern individual was discussed by using descriptive method. In Killing Commendatore novel (2018), a thirty-six years old portrait painter who had been betrayed by his wife, moved to Odawara, from Tokyo and settled there in a mansion that once was the house and studio of famous painter named Tomohiko Amada. One day, in the attic, our painter, also narrator of the novel discovered by accident, an unknown painting of Amada in classical Japanese style. In this painting, the Killing Commendatore scene of Mozart’s Don Giovanni was depicted. Then, he found himself in a mysterious world full of enigmatic people and supernatural incidents. In the meantime, Idea and Metaphor jumped into life from the painting and they were joined the adventure in person as Idea and Metaphor. Killing Commendatore is also a Dasein story in which the main character accomplished many existential struggles and survived between shifting worlds.
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