Dealing with democratic rights and equality when the civil rights movement was at its earlier stages, A raisin in the Sun analyzes the context, assesses reality and shapes the life the author observes among Americans in their different socio-economic and even political steps of life. Mainly about how the Walter family will spend a ten-thousand-dollar insurance payment after its patriarch’s death and about whether the family will move into an affordable new home in a hostile white neighborhood, the play relocates both blacks and whites in their responsibilities. In a vivid environment of conflicting interests where race is a place, white is right and money makes and defines the man, this article explains the powerlessness of black people to control their own fate or that of their families as opposed to privileged white Americans, under the lenses of New Criticism as a scientific lead, in a capitalist America.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejls.v3i2.351
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