Nguyen Thi Tuong Vy, Do Thi Xuan Quyen, Thai Cong Dan


Entertainment must also be a well-understood issue and a selective perspective is essential. The Women's Newspaper of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is one of the official newspapers that publishes accurate and timely information about the entertainment sector about the happenings of the concerns of domestic and foreign entertainment. Joining a survey on the field of online newspapers to have a better view of the Entertainment column of the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Online Newspaper is a job that comes from great interest in the entertainment sector. Today, it is still a researcher's job to understand and clearly analyze the inherent characteristics of this column. The research is carried out with specific objectives, namely, firstly, surveying the outstanding features of the content and form of the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Online Newspaper in the Entertainment section. Secondly, it is applied to the theories of online journalism to conduct through a survey of information published in the Entertainment column of the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Online Newspaper, helping research work to have a close contact from theory to practice of journalism, serving to learn about the development, characteristics and requirements of a column on an online newspaper. And finally, understanding the advantages and discovering the limitations of online newspapers in general, including the Entertainment column on the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Online Newspaper through the information published in the articles in the fourth quarter of 2021. The findings revealed, besides the success in building information content, that the newspaper has achieved, that the focus on presentation is also a point that needs to be kept in mind and constantly updated in the future. competition among online newspapers. But not because of that, the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Online Newspaper follows today's tastes, the newspaper is always flexible but still maintains its own distinctive characters.


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features, entertainment section, online newspaper, Ho Chi Minh Women’s, online newspaper

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejls.v4i2.461


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