Tran Anh Thu, Thai Cong Dan, Thai Phan Bao Han


This study aimed to provide English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students, teachers, researchers and readers in general with a deeper understanding of symbol interpretation, thereby fostering their cognitive development in learning, reading, and critical thinking. Through the analysis of symbols found in Paulo Coelho's novel "The Alchemist," students and readers can gain insights into complex literary themes and enhance their ability to engage critically with texts. Utilizing a qualitative research design with a focus on spiritual phenomena, discourse analysis was employed to identify and categorize 19 symbols present in the novel. These symbols were divided into three groups: symbols representing societal archetypes, symbols related to actions and behaviors, and symbols associated with spiritual matters, providing students with a comprehensive exploration of the deeper layers of meaning in the story. By delving into symbolism within the text, EFL students and readers can enhance their analytical skills, broaden their perspectives on literature, and ultimately enrich their overall learning experience.


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EFL students, symbol interpretation, qualitative research design, Paulo Coelho, “The Alchemist”

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