Ramesh Prasad Adhikary


This research paper is focused on Adichie’s The Thing Around Your Neck, a collection of the stories from Nigeria, as a strong the postcolonial feminist voice. The writer presents the pains and pathos as well as the rebellion of the females in Nigeria and aboard. Western Colonialism has badly exploited the country and the people. The females have been the main victims of Nigeria at that time and later too. The patriarchy in the country has given much pain and suffering to Nigerian Women. They were victimized, dehumanized, and humiliated through different social institutions. They were also exploited by their close relatives who were patriarchal by nature. The writer says that the awareness among the people and especially on the women themselves has made the situation better. The females are able to resist any kind of inhuman treatment and severe tortures given by patriarchy and colonialism. As a qualitative research, the researcher used the text of Adichie as a primary source of data and analyzed with the theoretical tool of feminism and postcolonialism.


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colonialism, postcolonialism, feminism, patriarchy, rebellion

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