Vera Vujević


The paper examines the relationship between ellipsis and small clauses in the selected corpus of the Serbian and English languages from a syntactic-semantic point of view. The functional potential of both structures is realized in the informative complexity of the sentence without its syntactic expansion, which is again a common feature for both languages and is systemic in character. The ‘unspoken’ predication in small clauses is actually reminiscent of the implied character of omitted structures in elliptical constructions, and this is where we find the similarities between these two linguistic mechanisms analyzed in this paper. From a terminological point of view, small clauses do not fall under the category of elliptical constructions, so the subject of our research is also aimed at determining the degree of compatibility and distinction between the two constructions.


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ellipsis, small clause, secondary predication, omission, English language, Serbian language

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmts.v2i1.398


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