Ayhan Güneş, Nora Gülsün Mehmet


With globalization at its peak, Geography has emerged as a crucial field for acquiring and disseminating global knowledge, posing significant challenges for Translation Studies. Terminology and Glossary Studies, a subfield of Translation Studies, play a vital role in the institutionalization of disciplines, yet this field still needs to be developed in Turkey. Existing Turkish geography dictionaries need a translation-oriented framework, limiting their utility for translation purposes. This study addresses this gap by creating a French-Turkish geographical glossary based on a corpus derived from the French documentary program “Le Dessous des Cartes.” Known for its in-depth geographical content, this program serves as a rich audiovisual resource, offering a comprehensive repository of terminology through maps, graphics, and narratives. A selection of 40 episodes from the 324 episodes between 2007 and 2017 was analyzed to identify 1409 terms and vocabulary, which were subsequently translated into Turkish. The glossary follows a Translation-Oriented Terminology model, emphasizing contextual accuracy and equivalence. It aims to support translators, educators, and researchers by addressing challenges like the translation of proper nouns and enhancing “world knowledge” in translation education. This work not only contributes to bridging a critical gap in Turkish translation resources but also highlights the interdisciplinary applications of terminology in Geography, Translation Studies, and beyond.


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Le Dessous des Cartes, translation-oriented terminology, terminology studies, geography glossary, geography terminology,

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmts.v4i2.567


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