Unexpected changes of abnormal return having to do with companies are the concept that has been considered several times by market activists and investors. In so doing, the market changes are taken into account as the important events in the field of science and practice. In general, fear of crisis is deemed as permanent source of stress and anxiety. The aim of the present study is to determine the relationship between cash balance changeability and abnormal return as well as commercial credit of active companies in the field of food industry in Tehran stocks center. The statistical sample comprises of 27 active companies and the study lasts for 7 years i.e. 2006 to 2010. Research hypotheses were studied using correlation method and making use of multivariate regression models. The findings indicated that there was a significant relationship between the liquidity level fluctuations due to economic shocks and abnormal return of companies. In other words, when it comes to the changes in economic shocks, the increase of changes in cash balance would lead to increase in capital market response and would result in more return of companies compared to capital market return. Also, liquidity did not have a determining role in commercial credit of companies.
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