This study aimed to illuminate the influence of self-efficacy and creative process engagement on employees' innovative work behaviour in the telecommunication industry in Malaysia. To determine whether these two variables are linearly related, the researchers have applied the quantitative method to test the hypothesis developed for this study. The correlation procedure was used to test the strength of association, and the linear regression procedure was used to test the relationships between the quantitative variables. The population of this study was 45,093 employees working for 214 telecommunication employers in the southern and western regions of Malaysia. A self-administered survey was utilised to gather the data for this research. A total of 424 respondents provided the data to derive the analysis and conclusion for this study. It was shown that self-efficacy directly influences employees' cooperation and efforts, indicating that self-efficacy has a motivating potential for innovative work behaviours. Innovative work behaviour requires strong self-efficacy and involvement in the creative process. Commitment is a huge concern since the causes and consequences of inventive working behaviour may differ greatly depending on whether the emphasis is on self-efficiency or creative process engagement. It seems from the outcomes of this study that self-efficacy and participation in the creative process may help increase creativity and innovation. According to this research, innovative thinking is more likely to be associated with employees who are confident in their abilities to execute challenging tasks and multitask. Employees' capacity to innovate will improve if they have a sense of self-efficacy and participation in the creative process. This will help employees solve problems, enhance their creativity, and create new ideas.
JEL: L20, L23, L96
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