The Philippine coffee industry is dominated by small-scaled farm households. This study was conducted to measure the technical efficiency of coffee production in Davao City using Data Envelopment Analysis. The study also determined the factors that contribute to the technical efficiency of coffee farms using Logistic Regression. Among the 166 respondents obtained, the study revealed that only 11 DMUs are technically efficient operating under constant return to scale while 154 and 1 were technically inefficient operating under increasing return to scale and decreasing return to scale, respectively. This means that input such as farm size, labor, number of coffee trees, age of coffee trees, fertilizers and pesticides has to be adjusted in order to reach the frontier to be technically efficient DMUs in which coffee farms are the potential to increase production if provided with appropriate support. Furthermore, to achieve bias-corrected DEA technical efficiency scores, Bootstrapping was done and later used for regression. Meanwhile, the logistic regression results revealed that there were significant relationships between technical efficiency and socioeconomic such as Age of Household Head, Sex, Access to Credit, Cropping System, Technology, and Coffee Variety. However, the logistic regression also revealed the factors that have no statistically significant relationship in the variables such as Education, Farm Experiences, Household Size, Extension Services, and Off-farm Activities.
JEL: L60; L66; O13
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