Economic Resilience is a knowledge-based notion, lately launched by Imam Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader. Economic resilience is defined as the policy-induced ability of an economy to withstand or recover from the effects of internal & external shocks. (Briguglio et al, 2008) The present paper has briefly reviewed & extended the research towards the development of a conceptual and methodological framework for the definition and measurement of economic resilience to propose an index for gauging the adequacy of policy in twenty broad areas. This exploratory, GT-based study intended to delve into two basic relevant notions, whose beneficiaries were announced to be academicians in general and academic decision makers in particular to change the curriculum in favour of promoting start-ups & mega markets. The speculation needed to satisfy two basic requirements: firstly, it has been based on a faith related endeavour and secondly it has operated like the theory of the game, working in a non-adaptable system, as a mathematical operation. In addition, Nash equilibrium seems to be part of that system, with an interaction between two poles: a religious duty & a socio-cultural, economic one, pioneered by the Imam for checks and balances on the notion.. Hence, it does not rely on a vicious circularity type of If X, then Y model. Concentration seems to be on microenterpreunership, which has been recently introduced, especially in form of new job opportunities with basic commonalities: informationalism & information processing, patent registration, Neoliberalism, database development, universities new missions and task-based ELF rather than EFL learning, while inputs are basically written in iconic language and their outputs are necessarily in English. Qualitative results, driven from an open-ended questionnaire are supportive of the research questions.
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