Women-owned enterprises play a significant role in contributing to a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by creating employment opportunities. However, the manufacturing sector in Kisumu City County, has witnessed poor performance, coupled with less than 10 percent of the women participating in this sector. Despite this poor performance and low participation rate, there has been limited exploration into the factors influencing the performance of women exclusively within this sector. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the effects of financial sources and socio-cultural factors on the performance of women-owned manufacturing enterprises. The study employed a descriptive research design. Data was gathered through a questionnaire administered to 48 women selected using a simple random sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the data using Excel and STATA Software. The results of multiple regression analysis established that women who secured funding from banks during shortages and initial capital depicted high performance. Additionally, factors such as household size, spousal decision-making regarding property utilization, and spousal control over the enterprise earnings had a negative effect on the performance of women-owned manufacturing enterprises in this County. Top of FormThe study recommends that policies need to be formulated to finance informal sectors such as Chamas where the majority of women prefer to increase the amount of loan accessed. Additionally, women should acquire more advanced entrepreneurial skills that are instrumental in making independent decisions and having better control over productive resources without utterly relying on their spouses.
JEL: L60; M10
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v7i4.1592
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