Celestine Imbuhila, Fozia Norwin, Margeret Atieno


In today’s world, procurement performance in private sugar firms is one of the emerging issues of concern. Sugar firms are still hurtling down on cost even when the effects are detrimental to the product’s quality. In some scenarios, the quality dimension gets altered to save cost, and the management holds high optimism hoping the quality risk does not get discovered. The main objective of the study was to establish the effect of information sharing on the procurement performance of private sugar firms in Kenya. The study was guided by: Information Theory, Principal Agent Theory, and Stakeholders’ Theory. Positivism research philosophy was used. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study was 50 respondents from ten private sugar manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study employed census sampling. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics that involved multiple linear regressions showed that information sharing, supplier training, contract management and strategic alliance explained 62.9% of variations in the procurement performance of private sugar firms in Kenya. Regression coefficients of 0.354 for strategic alliance indicated that embracing supplier management practices improved procurement performance.


JEL: L10; L11; L60; L66


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strategic alliance, procurement performance, manufacturing firms

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